While Mommy was away studying at Trinity, the Lord was working in Valerie's heart to start a small prayer group at school. She told me on the phone (after some coaxing) that two girls had fought and so she suggested they pray. Suddenly they made up and so the three of them decided to start a prayer meeting during recess.
She mentioned that one by one the other girls began to join in until finally all 9 girls in the class participate.
After a couple of weeks, they started to refer to her as the
pastor of the group!
We discussed what she'd do once she left to spend Thanksgiving in Pittsburgh and she said she had chosen several girls to take charge of the group in her absence.
Alas, however, once she returned she discovered that the girls stopped meeting since they would only listen to Valerie.
The cover to the right is their prayer book where they have their names and pictures and contact info and they write down their prayer requests.
Let's see if the group re-starts after school begins again in Jan. 2009!
Mom is trying not to be too obvious in studying her daughter's leadership capabilities!