martes, 22 de abril de 2008

Oracion y Ayuno por la Piscina

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

sackcloth and ashes for our upper pool.
I am absolutely sad, sad, sad.
Lord, what alternative is left to us since with every effort to fix it, it only gets worse.
The original loss of water before I started "fixing" it was approx. 1cm (that's 1/2 inch) per 36 hours.... now, in less than 24 hours we're losEing 6 inches! OH MY GOODNESS!
Now, what?
The only alternative is totally stripping off the laja.
Applying a dado fino, like it was a pila.
Flooding it to retest it.
Then, sealing it with an adhesive like Adecim (Admix) as we re-apply the laja.

make sure honey you have them dump the water into the lower pool to make sure the lower pool fills up and there are no fugas there.... I am almost positive there are no fugas in the lower pool.
thanks and I'll try and have a good attitude towards all this!